After listening to Atomic Habit: An easy and proven way to make good habits and break bad ones by James Clear on Audible, I realized how important it is for one to be self-aware of habits we perform consciously or unconsciously in our day to day tasks.
A lack of self-awareness is poison, reflection and review are antidotes.
Atomic Habits by James Clear
I completed Amazon Audible listening of 5 hr long Atomic Habit in about 2 weeks. James’ principal idea was to keep working on developing a habit even if it is 1% every day. The book consists of 4 laws or steps with his introduction, fundamentals in the beginning, and some advanced tactics, the conclusion in the end.
This book was interesting because James illustrated his point by giving out the scientific side and real-life examples that people have tested to achieve remarkable results. He also gives a cheat sheet at the end of each chapter to practice setting up a good habit and getting rid of bad ones.
The Fundamentals – Tiny Changes Makes Big Difference
In this the emphasis was on doing at least 1% of the task or habit you want to develop daily, chances are you will be doing it 30% of it in a month and 100% by the quarter of the year. Keep goals aside and focus on the system or pathway. Usually, goals take time for accomplishment, focusing on it will reduce the level of satisfaction and happiness.
Make your habits identity based not outcome-based: I found this point very true, that it is generally harder to change your behavior if it conflicts with your identity, it’s like tricking your psychology in doing something. For instance, instead of saying “I’m trying to quit smoking” say “I’m not a smoker” We often go for things that give an immediate reward. The habit loop is Cue, Craving, Response, and Reward. The cue trigger craving for which you take action for pleasure even if it is harmful in the long term.
Make It Obvious: 1st Law
In this chapter, James explains various techniques from how to become aware of your habits, Habit scorecard, Habit stacking technique, and how to implement your habits. he says ” Many people think they lack motivation when they simply lack clarity” i.e. one should have a definite plan that he will do X things in Y amount of time. The secret to self-control is to create a more disciplined environment.
Make it Attractive: 2nd Law
The more attractive an opportunity, the more likely it be habit-forming. James explains the role of Dopamine in triggering the craving and it is not only secreted when you feel pleasure but also when you anticipate it. So, it is beneficial if you keep a desired task or reward for completing a habit that will keep your temptation in the future. he explains the role of family, friends, culture, and powerful people we admire in changing habits and integrating it. James further explains, how to find and fix the causes of bad habits.
Make it Easy: 3rd Law
Being in motion and taking action are two different things, planning, strategizing or learning is in the category of being in motion whereas, the action is behavior that produces an outcome. key to mastering a habit is to start by repetition without worrying about perfection. Achieving more with less effort and a 2-minute rule to fight procrastination. If you make a habit look easy, the mountain in your mind which we create is more likely to vanish.
Make it Satisfying: 4th Law
The cardinal rule of behavior change is
What is rewarded is repeated and what is punished is avoided.
Human nature seeks instant gratification and our modern society has evolved for delayed gratification. We can work for years before our action produces the desired result. Bad habits give immediate pleasure, but the end result is bad. With good habits, it’s the opposite. if the reward is immediate pain or unsatisfaction it is more likely your brain will lose the craving. Tracking a habit, creating a visual cue will keep you on the path.
Conclusion: Overall I find this book insightful and shows a great way to mold your way of life. The points illustrated in this book are simple and concise and can be applied to everyday life. Of course, I cannot cover all the examples and topics covered in this blog post, I recommend this book for those who want to take a different approach in their transformation and anyone who wants to effectively set up good habits and get rid of bad ones.
I listen to audible usually while cooking, exercise, or other mundane tasks If you are not getting time to read books like me or if you are not a book reader, give a try at audiobooks.
Very nice keep up the good work.